Thursday, October 9, 2008

I am so SORRY..........

There are some days I really shouldn't be allowed to get on the computer and the day I posted the SAS CC kit was one of those. All day long I did things backwards and just plain wrong. Please forgive me and here is the correct link to these elements.

I promise to double check myself better in the future.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Freebie and news

I'll start with the news, ok? Boo has her very own STORE it is called what else but BoolandDesigns. There are still a few bugs lurking around but as soon as she finds about one she makes sure to swat it in a hurry.

Wondering what this is all about? Well as we all know Boo loves to share goodies with us and for the Grand-Opening of the new store, she created a wonderful kit, Apple Orchard, as a Download a Day, and you can find it under Daily Downloads in teh new store.

I finally got a few minutes to make my entry into the SAS Oct color challenge. I even tried my hand at making a few elements.

You can download the ELEMENTS here

And here is where you get the PAPERS

I will return later with more pretties for all of you. There are at least a few more Color Challenges around I am sure....LOL

Take care and Remember no matter where you are, BE SAFE....
